A cowboy for Seth (made lovingly by Katelin)
"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful?"
-William Morris, 1834-1896
After Saturday's battle with the box of kids crafts and school projects, I walked away. The box went back into the closet, and I went on with my day.
When I opened it again Monday morning I asked myself two simple questions - Is it useful? Is it beautiful?
I knew the answer. I dumped the guilt, but kept the projects -- sorting and filing them to make them accessible. My kids have been engulfed in them for the last two days.
And while they were busy, I began another battle with my closet... I am slowly making progress.
Let the closet fight itself! Just put everything in a box, then in a month ask the kids what they want to keep. They might want it all, then in a month or two do it again. I still have a couple of things my mom kept for me from kindergarten. I loved them. I have files that have a couple of things of my kids, and a notebook with a few things each year. They are great to look at. Guilt is just to make your crazy.
At least your kids have been enjoying all those projects, it's a good thing you go them out.
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