Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Useful or beautiful?

A cowboy for Seth (made lovingly by Katelin)

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful?"
-William Morris, 1834-1896

After Saturday's battle with the box of kids crafts and school projects, I walked away. The box went back into the closet, and I went on with my day.

When I opened it again Monday morning I asked myself two simple questions - Is it useful? Is it beautiful?

I knew the answer. I dumped the guilt, but kept the projects -- sorting and filing them to make them accessible. My kids have been engulfed in them for the last two days.

And while they were busy, I began another battle with my closet... I am slowly making progress.


cjmom said...

Let the closet fight itself! Just put everything in a box, then in a month ask the kids what they want to keep. They might want it all, then in a month or two do it again. I still have a couple of things my mom kept for me from kindergarten. I loved them. I have files that have a couple of things of my kids, and a notebook with a few things each year. They are great to look at. Guilt is just to make your crazy.

Heidi L. (Affair with Color) said...

At least your kids have been enjoying all those projects, it's a good thing you go them out.