Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's time...

Just because I love this picture....

I'm tired. Very very tired. Lately, Katelin and Seth and Lina take turns waking Trevor and I throughout the night. We rarely get three hours without an interruption. I laugh sometimes about the pennies scattered across the floor, the water flooding the bathroom, the crayon all over the walls, the couch cushion obstacle courses, and so forth, but lately, I have no patience. I'm tired. Exhausted. Beat. When I don't sleep, I just don't function.

I'm not only inpatient with my kids, but inpatient with myself. I want to be able to change things, fix things. I like to be in control. So when it takes time and effort and energy to work on improving sleep habits, finding a better schedule, or being able to manage all the things I have to do each day, I get frustrated. I want things better now, but change and improvement take time. I have to be patient with myself and remember I can't control everything, but I can control myself.

I've known I need to work on our sleep schedule for some time, but have been too tired to even start. I can't procrastinate this any longer. I have to start small. Step one is to go to bed early, and at the same time, every night. I will worry about improving the kids sleep habits and setting a consistent wake time and all of that later, but for now, for the next week I think I can commit to lying in my bed ready to sleep each night by 10:30 p.m.

Starting is the hardest part, right? I hope. Please...


cjmom said...

It is hard to be a good mom when you are exhausted. Bryan puts his kids to bed at 7. I think they can read, but they must be in bed, not Samantha of course, but they have always had an early bedtime. It gave Bryan and Margaret time to regroup. I remember when Daniel went to 6th grade asking if he could please stay up past 7:30. When kids are little, our doc told us to let them cry for a half hour and then check on them, but if all was well, just a love and a pat and a "go to sleep." It worked fairly well, eventually, but it is so hard. Love you lots Kellie, hope you can get your sleep.

Kellie said...

Our kids are good at going to bed early (between 7:30 and 8:00). It's staying asleep that is the problem lately. Katelin usually wakes once per night. Seth is our best sleeper. Lately, Lina is waking up 2-3 times, but she's a baby and she's been sick so what do you do? Going to bed early and taking naps does help. :)