Monday, September 27, 2010

Does Anyone Know CPR?

Blog CPR that is? Because let's just face it - This blog needs resuscitation.The life has gone out, the heart is no longer beating and to bring it back will require something drastic, something dramatic, something life-saving... something like actually blogging.

So for the next week, I am going to try to slowly breathe some life back into this place in cyberspace I call mine. After all, I'm not ready to just let it die. I'm not promising any great musings, but there will be something here. Every day.

Two breaths. Thirty Compressions. Two breaths. Thirty compressions. Two breaths. Thirty compressions... until this place feels alive again.

Today I start small. Three pictures of my favorite little people - enjoying the moment. Just looking at them makes me feel more alive.




1 comment:

This Idaho Girl said...

So glad you're still functioning. Lina is absolutely gorgeous. I'll take your musings, even if you feel they lack depth. Most days I'm just glad I get a shower and remember to brush my teeth.