Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Trevor caught this moment the day of family pictures.
These are seven of my parents' sixteen grandchildren. We love all of them!!

If Katelin could have one wish, it would probably be that she could live near her Grandmas and Grandpas and all of her cousins. We moved "away" from family members when she was just six weeks old and it is a treasured day, for her and for us, when we get to spend time with family. We measure our time based on our next trip home or our next family visitor. Thankfully, Grandma's next trip will be in just five days. We can't wait!


cjmom said...

And I whine cause my grandchildren are two hours away. Your children are so cute

Brock and Tyra said...

cousins, cousins. they are awesome. i can't believe how big your family (your parents family) has gotten!