Black ballerina dress - (free from cousin Addie), pink tutu (Walmart -$10), white gloves (mmmm? Not sure), pink princess shoes (Walmart $3), Princess backpack (c/o Grandma Budge)
White summer hat (c/o Aunt Julie), heart swimming suit (c/o Cousin Addie), pink tutu (used to be Mom's) Purple top (gift from Trevor's co-worker in India)
A friend of mine used to joke with me that you knew you had given up on life when you started wearing sweats to go grocery shopping. I haven't resorted to that yet (after all, why would you wear sweats, when you can wear yoga pants), but after two years of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and basically putting of any major clothing shopping, things in my closet were starting to look kind of shabby (and definitely not shabby chic).
So, with spring in full bloom, I decided it was time to replenish, my dwindling wardrobe. I am by no means a fashion expert, but I can't explain how much better I feel about myself when I have a fresh t-shirt and a new pair of flip-flops. It's the little things right?
I used to spend a good chunk of my hard-earned teaching money on clothing and on looking professional. I started teaching when I was 22, and I felt I had to dress up so that I wouldn't look like a high-school student sneaking over to the junior high school (as a student-teacher at Sky View High School I had been sent "back to class" by one unknowing teacher). When I quit teaching, I slowly sorted through the dress pants, the skirts, the collared shirts blouses and after four years as a stay-at-home Mom, I have given all but a few pieces away. The bulk of my wardrobe now consists of jeans, shorts and t-shirts.
I like the casual dress-code of motherhood. It is fitting to dress down for diaper changing, training toddlers to self-feed, and playing at the park. But there is something about putting on a skirt, a bracelet, and a fresh coat of lip-gloss once in a while. Just because I'm casual, doesn't mean that I have to wear sweats.
I want to go shopping with you! You'll have to tell me what you got. I love Kaitin's outfits, maybe you should have her pick out what you should get.
Your daughter has the best outfits!! And as for the sweats... well, I think your wardrobe sounds fantastic! (Yoga pants are far and away superior to sweats...) I too am getting a break, not that the Heritage was professional by any stretch of the imagination. I get to look like a college student again! Ha. Life is great.
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