Friday, November 18, 2011

A fall tradition

A few weeks ago, Trevor and the kids made our annual visit to Sweet Berry Farm for all of their fall activities. I was out of town celebrating a friend's birthday and missed out on all of the fun.

Seth's highlight is always riding the horses. Takes after Grandpa I guess...

While Seth is so comfortable on a horse, Katelin is a little more timid. I love how she's holding tight in this shot.

Of course, feeding the horses is fun too.

Katelin's highlight is cutting flowers. She is so thoughtful about putting her bouquet together.

For now, Lina is just happy to be along for the ride.

Seth enjoys cutting some flowers, too... In his police hat of course.

I missed going along this year... driving a little over an hour out of Austin to where the world is a little bit quieter is good for a person...

1 comment:

This Idaho Girl said...

I love fall in the South. My flowers have been dead for over a month