Wednesday, October 5, 2011

In the 'hood

An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.
Henry David Thoreau

Our mornings usually begin with some sightseeing around the neighborhood. Now that we are in South Austin, the slogan Keep Austin Weird has a new layer of meaning for me. I think you will see what I mean.

We start with some normal stuff... decorative numbers.

And some Longhorn spirit.

Hook 'em horns.

We then move on to the Texas Pride.

We are the lone star state...

And proud of it.

This is what Sethie calls, "The Pirate House..." Nothing too weird so far.

Then we have the barred and locked windows. My neighbors are apparently concerned for their safety. And wow, what do you think of that house color?

Now we see the mailboxes. This one, was by far the worst.

My kids love this one.

And this is probably the first purple mailbox, I've ever seen...

Only, right after I snapped that photo, I saw another purple mailbox down the street.

Apparently this family really likes purple.

But why stop with wild colors. Let's just paint flowers on the siding.

Or a tree?

Now on to the religious. We see a handful of these beauties every morning.

Apparently this saint or monk is on equal standing with the family dog.

And if you look really close here you will figure out exactly who Jesus loves.

Finally we have the animal yard art. First up, a "spooky owl" according to Seth.

Next we have the dragon.

A dinosaur and cow.

A plush tiger to guard your door?

Or a little purple coyote.

The best sightseeing of all is watching these two and listening to their endless chatter.

And nothing feels quite as good as landing on your own front doorstep. Yes, life is good.


Jill Binks said...

This definitely made me laugh. I hope South Austin is treating you well! :)

Buddy Roberts said...

Really liked this post Kellie, it is really hard to explain Austin to a friend that does not live here.

Lisa said...

haha! I love it!