Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hello Fall!

Pot of Gourds...

For a long time I haven't done much by way of holiday decor, but for some reason, this year, I've had the itch to bring a little bit of fall to our house. Maybe it is because we don't really have much of a fall here in Austin, and it really is my favorite season. Sigh.

Anyway, this morning I finally finished my fall arrangement (inspiration here, thanks Martha) and I'm hoping it will make up for our dead grass and dismal yard. This is how I put this beauty together for seven dollars.

  1. Spray painted the old pot that was left on my front porch when we moved in. (Pot - free / Spray paint - free from another project)
  2. Filled pot with potting soil (potting soil leftovers - free)
  3. Used a fall garland to wrap around and underneath the pumpkins (Garland - $2 at Goodwill)
  4. Piled gourds and pumpkins on top ($5 at Sprouts)
It's not exactly Martha's version, but I'm happy with it and it has put me in a pretty good mood. Or maybe I'm just happy because I am flying towards fall weather tomorrow. Whatever the reason, I hope you are enjoying your fall, wherever you are.


Lisa said...

Cute! Nice job :)

This Idaho Girl said...

I've always thought of you as a regular Martha Stewart. Love it.

cjmom said...

That looks really good! You do great work!