Monday, October 11, 2010


"They" would probably not recommend allowing your five-year-old to use your camera. I say, "Katelin, that is a beautiful picture of your sister."

They say you should teach your child to fall asleep on their own and avoid rocking them at all costs. I say, "Nothing beats holding your sweet sleeping baby."

They say, when potty training put your child in underwear all of the time so they can feel the consequences of accidents. I say, "We're going out, let's put on a diaper."

They recommend leaving my two year old at nursery and making him tough it out when he melts down and won't be calmed. I say, "Come with me Seth."

They say, "She's not in school? What are you doing for her educational enrichment?" I say, "This week Katelin is learning to help me organize her toys and keep the room clean, along with learning to peel cucumbers, cut up bananas, and trees out of construction paper and toilet paper (and we throw a little reading on the side)."

"They" say a lot of things that make me question my parenting decisions, but ultimately I have to remind myself that "they" don't know everything...


Smart Family said...

I LOVE your perspective on life.

Trisha said...

Thank you Kellie! I needed to hear that. I have been feeling that same way. I miss you!

Lisa said...

Bravo! I couldn't agree more!

This Idaho Girl said...

Amen to that.

Jill said...

Perfect - we have to keep perspective and know that "we" can make good decision!