Sometimes things get a little ugly around here. That is when I know it is time to slow down and enjoy these little rascals and all of their quirks.
Seems like there is always a fight to see who can get closest to Mom. I do not enjoy being crawled on, jumped over, and injured in the process, but this day, there were no bruises... Just a lot of giggling.
Katelin loves making, wrapping, and giving gifts lately. I told her that if she wanted to keep these bows for future use, she needed to find a place to keep them. An hour later, I find these attached to the wall in our entryway. Yes, that is a very handy place, just in case you need a bow.
Usually silence at our house equates to trouble. On this particular afternoon, it was too quiet. I discovered nothing more than Katelin "reading" to Seth. So refreshing.
The bows on the wall is so handy! I love the picture of the three of you all snug as a bug in a rug.
Glad to see you taking advantage of those happy moments. They are easy to overlook.
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