Monday, November 23, 2009

Little bit of this and that

I haven't been doing a lot of musing lately. Here are a few things we have been doing --

Destroying the house. Toys at my house seem to breed. We can go from clean to this in just a matter of minutes. I'm working on clutter control, and have found some success in simply hiding or giving away many toys. The kids find new forms of clutter, but there is some progress.

Twirling around the house. This is a favorite pastime at our house. That is until one child gets yanked around too hard and starts crying. Then the fun is over. For a minute. Until the tears stop. Then the twirling begins again.

Posing for pictures. I love it when they both look at the camera. This is a perfect shot of Seth's hair - theclassic rooster shooting straight up in the air. It might have something to do with a certain little girl and a pair of scissors, but the double cowlick in the back can't help either.

Trick-or-treating. I wouldn't be a good mother if I didn't post a picture of my kids in their Halloween costumes I suppose. Too bad this doesn't showcase Katelin's pride and joy: her ruby red slippers. Sorry, Katelin. Maybe next month.

Playing nice. I wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't say that I find these two playing nice many, many mornings. It is a gift to yourself and your child when you have a second child. A gift that comes with a lot of work, but really, well worth it.

Okay, so we obviously haven't been doing much of this around the house. We have just been surviving while Trevor flew half-way around the world to take this photograph. He spent about eight days in Rabat, Morocco and Istanbul, Turkey hosting "study abroad professionals" at the CIEE conference. Here he captured men washing their feet outside of a mosque.


Kelly said...

You can add visiting teaching to your list of what you've been doing! Thanks for your visits.

Heidi said...

Looks like you rearranged your living room, how do you like it? Your kids are so photogenic.