Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm Celebrating.

Trevor's form of a celebration!

I'm celebrating today. Two reasons. First of all, I hosted my LAST Modbe "Boutique" on Friday and will send back all of the clothing samples Modbe lent to me. It's boxed up and ready to go. Whew. It feels good to clear something out of my life.

Second, I just completely emptied my e-mail inbox. This is an unusual thing for me, but I'm committed. There's just no reason to have 400+ e-mails hanging out. It just doesn't make sense.

And speaking of clearing things out of your life, read what this guy did. Pretty interesting stuff. I'd love to try it, though, I'm not sure if 100 would be my magic number. Just the idea of only having what you need seems so freeing...


Amy said...

You have such a cute family. I agree with your line of thinking - simplify and declutter. We've been trying to do that around here and it's amazing how different things feel, like a breath of fresh air.

Jenette said...

All I can think when I saw that is that it looks so WARM! Why oh why didn't I move somewhere warm? And yes, I agree...Nothing felt better than paring my life down to what could fit in my car and moving!

A said...

So what you're saying is I should throw away the binders of notes I still have from high school and college? You would probably die at my house, I keep everything except true garbage. And Happy Meal Toys.

Kelly said...

Wow, that's a good feeling. Cool photo too! I need to sort through some piles at my house and get rid of unwanted items myself. Thanks for the Modbe fun and fashion. It was fun for a time!