Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Three Billy Goats

Katelin playing The Three Billy Goats Gruff at the Park

"Katelin, can you be quiet while I am on the phone? I need to call Mary's mom."

"You mean Jesus' mom?"


After a lot of hammering and noises in the apartment upstairs Katelin said, "I hear the three billy goats... but there's no troll."


Lonna said...

Thank goodness that there is no Troll, I hate it when the trolls are upstairs.

So glad that she is always thinking about things with a spiritual mind. So funny. That little picture of her is really cute.

Jenette said...

Katelin looks so grown up!! Wow... Kellie, I love your blog, by the way! I love hearing about you and your family! The thing I love about it is that it is just YOU!

Kelly said...

This is a really cute picture of Katelin.