Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How to be a good parent - Part 1

Post a picture of your kids with Santa and Mrs. Claus on your blog.


This Idaho Girl said...

The beard is so authentic. Katelin is like a miniature version of you-- or is she a miniature version of Trevor. Can't pinpoint it.

Kelly said...

Way to be a good parent! I am looking forward to future parts to this post.

Lonna said...

Well don't you just show everyone up right here and now, How is it that you get both of your children to not only sit and take a picture with the Santa and Mrs, but they are smiling and totally happy? You better be able to explain how to be a good parent in more detail. It looks like I am going to need a lot of help.

Kellie said...

Well, truth be told, Lonna -- Trevor is the truly good parent. I only POSTED the picture. He actually took the picture. Not sure how he managed to get two happy kids at the same moment. Some kind of miracle I suppose.