Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When daddy is away...

One long week without Trevor
+ one tired Mama

"Mama said I could." (It's true)

Of course the project had to be done in underwear!

And I'm pretty sure he just swallowed a piece of yarn.


A said...
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A said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one! Sometimes, it's just not worth it to say no.

Lonna said...

welcome to the public, is this new blog going to take the place of the other one? or will you continue to post to both?

I love the markers on the legs, my mom always tells me to pick my battles, I think that was a good one to lose.

This Idaho Girl said...

He is so big! What happened? As for Binks, I'm not looking forward to parting with ours. Rachel is very attached. I think there's no harm in letting your child draw on herself as long as she uses washable markers. Our new blog is located at thisidahogirl dot blogspot dot com

Janelle said...

I need to be more laid back maybe if I told my kids they could color on their legs they wouldn't do it as much!