Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good Enough

Things are definitely not perfect around here

Today, like many days, has not gone as planned. I had hoped to clean the house by mid-morning; I haven't even started. I needed to book some plane tickets; oops, running into a problem with that. I hoped to pick up black paper to work on a little Halloween decor with the kids; it's just not happening.

Sometimes that would bother me. I'm a perfectionist, as Katelin reminds me every time I comb her hair. I want things to be just right. Toys in order. The day planned and executed. The meals nutritious. The kids happily playing. Wouldn't we all like that kind of perfection?

That just isn't life.

I'm trading in my perfect ideals for good enough. Nobody really cares. I'm going to let the boxes stay boxed up in the garage, let the girl's hair run free and wild, let the TV blare sometimes so I can just have a few minutes to myself. I'm letting myself off the hook.

Of course, I'll keep doing my best. It won't be perfect.

But it will be good enough.

1 comment:

Buddy Roberts said...

Kellie, I call this my "new normal"