Friday, July 8, 2011


Post-Swimming Lesson Hug

After two weeks of swimming lessons, my kids smell like summer.... a mix of sunscreen, chlorine, dirt and popsicles, even when they are fresh out of the tub.

Katelin is swimming on her own. Seth sometimes puts his face in the water... but usually when the instructors aren't watching.

This is probably the last time they will be in the same class of anything for a long, long time. I love that they are best friends, constant playmates, bitter rivals (at times) and that they love each other. Once I had a little brother like that....

He even let me dress him up as a sister on occasion...


Lisa said...

I swear we had that same sofa growing up!

Kellie said...

I'm pretty sure it was the only sofa sold from 1978 - 1985.

Kelly said...

Congratulations on their swim lessons. I'm so glad to hear that Katelin can now swim on her own! That's a huge milestone.

I've got to take another look at the sofa now and see if we had it.