Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A little boredom isn't a bad thing...

Last week was Screen Free Week and we took the challenge, turning of all tv and movie viewing in our home. Normally my kids start begging, whining and pleading for television when they are bored. TV postpones the boredom until the show is over, but then the boredom sets in again and so does the begging, whining and pleading. Last week, I pushed my kids back to playing rather than watching -- and the boredom (and subsequent whining) was usually taken care of. In fact, that boredom led to some exciting pursuits. Here is a bit of what happened.

Okay, there was still some normal crying and sadness.

But then there was motorcycle building...

And the making of cat headbands
(followed by the rescue of a certain "cat" from a tree by a little firefighter)...

There were also tea parties...

And secret clubs...

Not to mention a lot of dressing up.

I have to say that my kids were happier without the draining of their brains. I think that they got along better and seemed more pleasant overall, but maybe my conclusions are skewed by my view that TV, even educational TV, is never as good as good-old-fashioned play.


Jill Binks said...

We did this last week at the elementary school I was at! Looks like your kids really enjoyed it! Too cute!

Lonna said...

Hooray for you. I try not to use the tv as killing time, but there are those days that it may just win at our house.

I love seeing your kids play so nicely together and so creative all the time.

They are all growing so fast it is hard to keep track. Thank goodness for your blog and fun and wonderful photos.