The beauty of having a guest come to your home is that extra motivation to organize/clean/beautify/simplify your house. I love that. I had a big push of energy right before my Mom came to visit and I was on an organizing high. The night she flew in, I was exhausted, but things are looking better around here.

Lina's closet (she doesn't get to use much of it)
This closet, for example, is much improved. While sorting through it, we tossed everything we could muster up the courage to throw out, set a deadline for items we haven't used in a while, but aren't ready to throw away yet and set a deadline for projects that have been waiting in there for a while (like the Spain Scrapbook).
My goal for this closet (and my entire home actually) is to know what is inside, why we still have it, and to be able to access and use the stuff we need and love. We are making progress.
You know that is my philosophy on my whole house. I have empty spaces in cabinets and on shelves. People always ask where my stuff is. I always tell my kids there is a spot for every single thing in the house and that is where it goes. House of order, helps with house of peace. Keep going!!!!!! Your entire family really does benefit from organization.
Thanks for the encouragement Buddy!
Just to make clear, it only "helps" This is not to be confused with always keeping peace that is for sure!!!!!! Dont want to give any misguidance.
No false assumptions here, but I'm always happy to have a little more peace in the house.
If it weren't for visitors my house would never get clean!
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