Thursday, July 16, 2009

Don't You Just Love it...

when you discover that your 15-month old son knows how to remove his diaper??? Oh, and do his business on your carpet?

After scrubbing and re-scrubbing the carpet for 45 minutes, I realized, (in case I ever had any doubt) that I could never house-train a dog.


Smart Family said...

My little boy just learned the same trick. I left him in the living room to go get some clothes after he woke up, and I come back, and he is standing there naked!

Andrea said...

These are the things no one thinks about when dreaming of starting a family!

Once one of my girls opened her diaper while still wearing her pjs after bedtime. Needless to say, that was one wet bed come morning. One of the reasons I love waterproof mattress pads.

This Idaho Girl said...

And then you continually remind yourself how much you love your children. It's bad enough, but cleaning up after a dog is worse.

Heidi said...

I would have to say that cleaning up after a dog is easier! They don't smudge their poop all over it just sits there and I pick it up with a paper towel, squirt some pet cleaner and I'm done.

Kellie said...

Luckily, Seth is smart enough to know not to smudge his poop and so clean-up wasn't too bad. The 45 minute scrub was just my obsession with getting the carpet totally clean. My obsession would definitely cause me problems if I had a dog pooping on my carpet. Now an already trained dog might be an option. Or an outdoor dog. Someday. Not today.

klkw said...

Thats why I never had a dog in the house----six kids were enough!